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The Complete Guide to Planning, Starting, and Running a Profitable Microgreens Business
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Module 1: Introduction to Microgreens
Full Course Overview (2:10)
Module 1 Outline (0:48)
Lesson 1.1 - Introduction to Chris Thoreau (3:00)
Lesson 1.2 - What are Microgreens (3:34)
Lesson 1.3 - Why Grow Microgreens (3:16)
Lesson 1.4 - Common Microgreen Crops (4:52)
Lesson 1.5 - Keys to Production Success (11:03)
Lesson 1.6 - Is Growing Microgreens Right For You? (4:29)
Module 2: Growing Space, Work Areas, and Equipment
Module 2 Outline (1:12)
Lesson 2.1 - Growing Space (26:51)
Lesson 2.2 - Harvest Area and Equipment (6:19)
Lesson 2.2.1 - Supplement Video: Shipping Container Greenhouse Build Time Lapse
Lesson 2.3 - Tray Preparation and Seeding Area (3:59)
Lesson 2.4 - Seed Soaking and Sanitzing Area (3:30)
Lesson 2.5 - Wash-Up Area (3:01)
Lesson 2.6 - Compost and Soil Storage (4:49)
Lesson 2.7 - Supply Storage (1:35)
Lesson 2.8 - General Site Layout and Workflow (2:35)
Lesson 2.9: Supply Set up List and Costs
Module 3: Primary Production Components
Module 3 Outline (0:51)
Lesson 3.1 - Production Process Overview (4:12)
Lesson 3.2 - Microgreens Growing Conditions (20:41)
Lecture 3.2.1 - Supplemental Video: Growing System Airflow
Lecture 3.2.2 - Supplemental Video: Underwatering and Light Limitations
Lesson 3.3 - Microgreens Crop Types (7:12)
Lesson 3.4 - Microgreen Seeds (9:14)
Lesson 3.5 - Microgreens Soil (12:09)
Lesson 3.6 - Microgreens Trays (6:50)
Module 4: Packaging and Labels
Module 4 Outline (0:41)
Lesson 4.1 - The Role of Packaging and Labels (2:08)
Lesson 4.2 - Microgreens Packaging Options (11:48)
Lesson 4.3 - Live Microgreens Trays (5:15)
Lesson 4.4 - Transporting Microgreens (8:50)
Lesson 4.5 - Microgreen Labels (8:09)
Lesson 4.5.1 - Label Sample PDF
Lesson 4.5.2 - Supplemental Documents: Labeling Guidelines
Module 5: Regulations and Guidelines
Module 5 Outline (1:34)
Lesson 5.1 - Regulations Overview (2:22)
Lesson 5.2 - Canadian Regulations (4:31)
Lesson 5.2.1 - Supplementary Documents
Lesson 5.3 - US Regulations (6:28)
Lesson 5.3.1 - Supplemental Document: FSMA - Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption
Lesson 5.4 - Local Health Authorities (3:39)
Module 6: Sanitization and Hygiene
Module 6 Outline (1:56)
Lesson 6.1 - Sanitation and Hygiene Overivew (31:58)
Lesson 6.1.1 - Supplementary Documents
Lesson 6.2 - Soap and Sanitizers (5:23)
Lesson 6.3 - Sanitizing Seed (7:06)
Lesson 6.3.1 - Supplementary Documents
Lesson 6.4 - Written Procedures and Record Keeping (5:59)
Lesson 6.4.1 - Supplemental Documents
Lesson 6.4.2 - Supplemental Video: Preparation of Tables for Use
Lesson 6.5 - Food Safety Certification (2:47)
Module 7: Production Process
Module 7 Outline (1:32)
Lesson 7.1 - Workflow Diagram (4:14)
Lesson 7.2 - Prepping Trays (8:17)
Lesson 7.2.1 - Supplemental Video: Prepping Trays and Soil Talk
Lesson 7.3 - Rinsing, Sanitizing, and Soaking Seeds (21:43)
Lesson 7.3.1 - Supplemental Video: Soaking and Sanitizing Seed
Lesson 7.4 - Sowing Trays (13:44)
Lesson 7.4.1. - Supplemental Video: Sowing Radish
Lesson 7.4.2 - Supplemental Documents: Sowing Rates and Yields
Lesson 7.5 - Stacking and Germinating Trays (13:07)
Lesson 7.5.1 - Supplemental Videos
Lesson 7.6 - Uncovering Trays (9:11)
Lesson 7.6.1 - Supplemental Video: Setting Out Radish
Lesson 7.7 - Crop Growth (39:56)
Lesson 7.7.1 - Supplemental Videos
Lesson 7.8 - Crop Cycle Diagram Review (2:02)
Module 8: Harvesting and Packing
Module 8 Outline (1:24)
Lesson 8.1 - Overview and Scenarios (4:32)
Lesson 8.2 - Equipment and Setup (5:40)
Lesson 8.3 - Cutting Microgreens (11:05)
Lesson 8.3.1: Supplement - Cutting Microgreens - Scissors or Knife?
Lesson 8.4 - Harvest Flow - Part 1 and 2 (4:24)
Lesson 8.5 - Harvest Flow - Part 3 (8:03)
Lesson 8.6 - Hull Picking, Draining and Spinning (5:41)
Lesson 8.7 - Packing Microgreens (15:18)
Lesson 8.8 - Storing Microgreens (5:52)
Lesson 8.9 - Transporting Microgreens (8:28)
Module 9: Crop and Financial Planning
Module 9 Outline (1:54)
Lesson 9.1 - Crop Planning Principles (5:21)
Lesson 9.2 - Expected Sales, Yields and Sowing (7:11)
Lesson 9.3 - Determining Sowing Dates (3:35)
Lesson 9.4 - Crop Recording Keeping (6:17)
Lesson 9.4.1 - Supplemental Videos: Crop Planner Overview and Webinar Tutorials
Lesson 9.5 - Realistic Expense Expectations and Variable Costs (4:23)
Lesson 9.6 - Infrastructure Cost (3:03)
Lesson 9.7 - Business Costs (3:48)
Lesson 9.8 - Microgreens Revenue Potential (13:19)
Module 10: Crop and Financial Planning
Lesson 10.1: Crop and Financial Planning Spreadsheet and SeedLeaf Online Crop Planner
Growing Your Microgreens Business - Live Presentation (2016 Permaculture Voices Conference)
Part 1: Introduction and Production Components
Part 2: Infrastructure
Part 3: Packaging, Labels, and Hygiene
Part 4: The Production Process
Part 5: Crop Planning and Record Keeping
Bonus Videos (Permaculture Voices Conference 2016)
Building and Maintaining a Profitable Business
Factors for Success in Intensive Microgreens Production
Microgreen Crop Information Sheets
Sunflower Shoots Growing Strategies
Pea Shoots Growing Strategies
Radish Shoots Growing Strategies
Buckwheat Shoots Growing Strategies
Basil Shoots Growing Strategies
Sample Data Logging Forms
Fridge Temperature Log Form
Scale Calibration Form
Sanitizing Log Form
Greenhouse Activity Log Form
Bonus Microgreens Webinars and Video Series
Advice & Tips for Beginning (AND EXPERIENCED) Microgreen Growers
Starting a Profitable Microgreens Business
Crop and Financial Planning for a Microgreens Business
Growing Microgreens Amidst COVID-19, March 23, 2020
Maximizing Space In Home Production - March 28, 2020
Complete Crop Cycles - Sunflower and Wheatgrass - May 2020
The Microgreens Experiment Series - May 2020
Growing Microgreens Podcast
Growing Microgreens Podcast
Microgreens Interviews
Sourcing High-Quality Microgreens Seeds - Part 1 of 2
Interview about Microgreens Seeds with Lisa Mumm of Mumm's Sprouting Seeds - Part 2 of 2
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Lesson 7.6.1 - Supplemental Video: Setting Out Radish
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